Sod By Sherry®, specializing in growing and developing high-performance turf varieties, acclimated to our climate.
Since 1983 we have been at the forefront of the turfgrass industry in Oklahoma. All sod is harvested as orders come in so we don’t just let the grass sit around and dry out while waiting for a buyer. This ensures the customer a fresh product on every order.
We now accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover credit cards at our sod store for retail pallet pickups and retail deliveries.
We do not accept credit cards on wholesale orders.
Figure your square footage by taking your length times width.
Late Winter (January 20-February 10th) when the grass is still dormant, Spray 80 oz. per acre of oxidization sc pre-emergent mixed with a quart of 2-4-D with good surfactant and 40 gal clean (not hard water) water per acre. This should clean up any broadleaf and keep weeds from coming in, if the turf is fully dormant, and the canopy of the dead turf is fully tan or brown (you can’t view any green from a 12” distance), you can mix up to a quart of glyphosate as well but be aware that turf injury can result if it contacts any green leaves of the Tahoma.
Regular 2-4-D applications may be necessary if broadleaf weeds arise, or MSMA is fine to use if
“grassy weeds” arise in the summer.
May 1st, Begin mowing at your desired height with a reel or rotary type mower. Keeping your blades sharp and catching the clippings would be ideal.
Tahoma31® looks the best when kept at a 1″ height of cut.
Fertilizer schedule using Scott’s Turfbuilder program or equivalent
April 1st Starter fertilizer
May 1st Southern fertilizer
June 1st Southern fertilizer
Sept 1st Fall Lawn Food
Nov. 1st Winter guard
Watering, since Tahoma 31 has been proven to require much less water to maintain color and quality than other varieties, we see only extended periods between rains are to be a concern for watering. Ideally, an irrigation system set to water twice a week with a week “rainfast delay” would be the best situation.
After the installation of Tahoma 31®, it is important to water three times a day for two weeks.